Whether it’s two truths and a lie, or being asked to state “an interesting fact about yourself”, there are some icebreakers that make your team die inside a little. Just because we have to work from home on a video call, doesn’t mean that we can’t increase team engagement virtually. For this ice breaker split into 2-4 large teams and play game-show style.

quick ice breakers for virtual meetings

This icebreaker game will make your team members laugh and it works for in-person or virtual meetings. Tell everyone in a very serious tone that you won’t tolerate any smiling. You might not be a comedian, but it’s harder than you think not to laugh. Chances are that within five minutes, everyone will be laughing their faces off. It’s a great way to start a team meeting, and you’ll find it a more effective one because of it. Ice breakers are a great way to, well, break the ice at any meeting.

How do you build trust in a virtual team?

Just one simple game, like two truths and a lie, can drive participation from all attendees. For this icebreaker activity, all you need to do is ask everyone to share their favorite sources for inspiration. For example, if the meeting is for a company in the fashion industry, you could ask everyone to share their favorite websites or stores for fashion inspo.

quick ice breakers for virtual meetings

The Four Quadrants is a tried and true team building activity to break the ice with a group or team. Creative games that allow your team to demonstrate their problem solving skills while collaborating can be an engaging way to kickoff a session. This icebreaker poses that age-old question of what we would do if stuck on a desert island while asking your team to think about what they would need to survive. Collective Knowledge is the perfect virtual icebreaker for new groups because it doesn’t put any one person on the spot right away. Instead of meeting one another in a conference room, phone calls, video chats and instant messaging are the key ways to communicate and collaborate. Tie your workplace’s mission into your next icebreaker activity by creating an acronym about it.

What do you love the most about collaborating with our team?

Designed to bring back childhood memories of our nostalgic teenage years, this icebreaker game is designed to help people bond over deep and meaningful memories. If you’ve ever been to a child’s birthday party or been present at a school break time, you are likely to have played a thrilling game of Simon Says. As an adult, this game is just as simple as the ones 5-year-olds play (and it’s just as fun!). To kickstart your event with tons of laughs, try virtual stand-up comedy.

  • This social icebreaker game bypasses small talk and helps your employees get to know each other on a deeper level.
  • Next, ask everyone to turn off their camera and change three things in 30 seconds.
  • Instead of just shouting ideas at each other, try visual brainstorming.
  • Hosted by experts from all over the world, you can pick categories, from light-hearted to educational, and a host provides a fun and realistic icebreaking activity.
  • You’ll start a meeting with some laughs and get your colleagues in a good mood before a meeting.
  • WOYAGO is here to make your team-building experience one to remember by taking your team to travel virtually.

Anecia is a Nashville-based writer who believes in the power of team building. She writes a variety of content focused on creative corporate team building ideas, to help teams become more dynamic, unified, and successful. This is a great option for teams with a lot of members to still work together without being overwhelmed by a large number of people on a call. Feel free to add in fun prizes for the teams who come in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Trivia questions can range from a variety of topics, from broad subjects like company history or niche options like The Office trivia.

Zoom Icebreakers: Original Comprehensive List of Ice Breakers for Team Meetings in 2023

Tell your colleagues to provide a lie that’s not so obvious so as to make it harder for others to guess. These are great get-to-know-you games and longer team-building activities that will both entertain and bring the team closer together. These are great if you want to surprise your participants with a fun little activity and enjoy some bonding time. We make it easy to scale your business by offering self-guided online courses and membership sites.

Plus, with unlimited file storage, they can upload as many documents and images as they need to get the work done. The world’s best teams use ProjectManager to collaborate and plan their work online. You can start easy if you’d like or give them a couple challenging riddles right off the bat. So give each group 2-3 different riddles to solve, and the first group done, wins (if you’re trying to make it a competition). Break into groups of 10 or less, and share this link to digital Think Links cards. Tell everyone to come up with a new business idea using the three items that display once the page loads.

Plus it translates well to hybrid work, giving remote people a low-stakes invitation to speak up. Here’s a list of 100 questions designed to help everyone get to know each other. Or for more established teams, try making your questions specific to the goals of the meeting. Start by setting the tone with an icebreaker round of questions, which will create a safe and welcoming environment where everyone feels comfortable participating.

On days like these, you don’t have time to mess around with icebreaker games but you still want to make sure your employees are fired up and ready to engage. A quick icebreaker game before aws icebreaker a team meeting boosts engagement and gets the creative juices flowing. In this fun icebreaker game, your team will need to read the lips of their teammates and guess the phrase.