At board meetings, important decisions are taken that impact everyone involved, from the employees of the company to the shareholders who own its shares and even the economic system. Therefore, it is essential that the panel has the right mix of skills and experience to make these critical decisions. Regularly-scheduled evaluations help to ensure that this is the situation.

A boardroom review is a procedure that allows a table evaluate its performance in a comprehensive manner. The review allows table members to pinpoint aspects of longevity, weaknesses in their leadership connections, and their culture that could affect both social and practical changes. It also helps ensure that those who pay for table memberships are equipped to perform their job efficiently.

A skilled, independent facilitator will ensure that the process runs without a hitch and is confidential. This is particularly important if an evaluation is performed by a committee or subcommittee. The process may involve reviews or interviews and may be conducted in person or via video conference. Board evaluations are also an excellent way to introduce new methods of working that place a greater emphasis on diversity and employee wellbeing. Or, it can be an opportunity to shift the focus of operational concerns to strategic.